network adaptation module ne demek?
- Nam
- Ad
- Ün.
- İsim, ad. Lakab. Ün. Şan.
Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the wireless phone that stores the telephone number and an electronic serial number.
Component of a wireless phone that holds in electronic memory the telephone number and ESN of the phone.
Number Assignment Module The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number and electronic serial number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer the user the option of registering the phone so that it will have two or more phone numbers.
The NAM or Number Assignment Module is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
The NAM is the electronic memory in the cellular phone that stores the telephone number Phones with dual- or multi-NAM features offer users the option of registering the phone with a local number in more than one market.
Network Access Module A special jack into which a printer or computer is plugged to connect to a network.
National Account Manager Title of Ford's fleet field sales representatives.
Make ties or acquaintances (esp. for professional support or business advantages); link computers for the exchange of information; broadcast something simultaneously on networked stations.
- Iletişim ağı, ağ, şebeke, ağ örgüsü
- Şebeke
- Ağ örgüsü
- Yayın istasyonları şebekesi.
network access point
- Büyük ölçekli aktarma imkanları ile donatılmış ve ayrı İnternet Hizmet Sağlayıcıları arasında bağlantı noktası görevi olan ağ değişim noktası
- NAP (Telekomünikasyon)
- Şebeke erişim noktası
- Uyarlama
- İntibak, tatbik, uyma
- Bkz. adaptasyon
- Uygunluk, imtizaç
- Işık değişikliklerine gözü alıştırma işlemi
- Uydurulma, şekil değişmesi.
- Alıntı, aktarma
- Modül, kapsül, kip, esas kısım
- Mikyas, çap, miyar
- Ölçü esası
- Kompütör veya diğer makinalarda standart kısım
- Bir feza gemisinin her bir kısmı
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
networknetwork access pointnetwork access servernetwork adapter cardnetwork addressnetwork address translationnetwork administrationnetwork administratornetwork analysisnetwork analyzernetwarenetnet 30net abusenet ağırlıknet aktif değeriadaptationadaptation aidadaptation periodadaptation rightadaptation trainingadaptationaladaptabilitiadaptabilityadaptableadaptable houseadaptable stage