mat ne demek?
- Satranç oyununda taraflardan birinin yenilgisi.
- Parlak olmayan, donuk.
Cast down; dejected; overthrown; slain.
Fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the floor of a hall or room, and for other purposes.
Any similar fabric for various uses, as for covering plant houses, putting beneath dishes or lamps on a table, securing rigging from friction, and the like.
Anything growing thickly, or closely interwoven, so as to resemble a mat in form or texture; as, a mat of weeds; a mat of hair.
To cover or lay with mats.
To twist, twine, or felt together; to interweave into, or like, a mat; to entangle.
Fibrous reinforcing material comprised of chopped filaments or swirled filaments with a binder to maintain form; available in blankets of various widths, weights, and lengths.
Fibrous material for reinforced plastic consisting of randomly oriented chopped filaments, short fibers , or swirled filaments loosely held together with a binder.
Fibrous reinforcing material composed of chopped filaments or swirled filaments with a binder applied to maintain form; available in blankets of various widths, weights, thickness' and lengths.
Fibrous material comprised of random chopped or continuous filaments held together by a binder.
Thin layer of woven, non-woven, or knitted fiber used to reinforce a material.
Fibrous material consisting of randomly oriented chopped or swirled filaments loosely held together with a binder.
Cardboard rectangle with an opening cut in it that is placed over a print to frame it Also called an overmat.
Miller Analogy Test.
Cardboard rectangle with rectangle or oval window that you lay over a print to neatly frame the picture.
Master of Arts in Theology.
Synchronous electrical system composed of the networks of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Temporary roadway constructed of hardwood lumber.
Medical Appeal Tribunal.
Manifold Air Temperature - monitors temperature of intake charge air.
To grow thick together; to become interwoven or felted together like a mat.
Thick flat pad used as a floor covering sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture.
Thick flat pad used as a floor covering.
Mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture.
Sports equipment consisting of a piece of thick padding on the floor for gymnastic sports.
Master's degree in teaching.
The property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss.
Small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it.
Twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; 'The child entangled the cord'.
Change texture so as to become matted and felt-like; 'The fabric felted up after several washes'.
Not reflecting light; not glossy; 'flat wall paint'; 'a photograph with a matte finish'.
Flat structure made of strands, cut or uncut, oriented or not, held together in the form of a sheet Mesh fabrics: A flat fabric in which both warp and weft yarns are widely spaced and locked by means of the leno weaving process Milled filaments: Filaments broken into very short lengths by processing through a size-reduction mill.
The random arrangement of glass fibers used in reinforcing a molded shape such as an outdoor fiberglass sign.
Randomly distributed felt of fibers, usually glass, used in reinforced plastics.
Hard rubber plate used to apply overprints on postage stamps.
Maternity Allowance.
Thin layer of woven, non-woven, or knitted fiber that serves as reinforcement to the material or membrane.
Or Minimum Alternative Tax is the minimum tax that a company must pay, even if it is under zero tax limits.
- (-ted, -ting) hasır
- Paspas
- Bardak veya vazo altllığı
- Arap saçı gibi bir birine dolaşmış yığın
- Hasır ile örtmek
- Bükerek veya keçeleştirerek hasıra benzetmek
- Hasırlaşmak, keçeleşmek
- Düğümlenmek, bir birine dolaşmak, çitişmek.
- (-ted, -ting) resim ve çerçeve arasındaki karton kenar
- Matb
- Hasır ile örmek, hasır gibi yapmak, dolaşmak, keçeleşmek
mat 1
- Hasır. paspas. altlık. keçeleşmiş saç, kıllar, liflerb. (saç, kıl, lifb.´nde) düğüm. (--ted, --ting) hasır ile örtmek. keçeleştirmek; keçeleşmek. düğümlenmek, birbirine dolaşmak."
mat 2
- Paspartu, resim ve çerçeve arasındaki karton kenar. (--ted, --ting) (resmin etrafına) paspartu geçirmek. mat, donuk.