main battle tank ne demek?
- Ana Muharebe Tankı, MBT, muharebede kullanılan ana muharebe tankı (orta veya ağır)
- Ana, asıl
- Büyük, temel
- Deniz, okyanus
- Horoz dövüşü
- Zor, kuvvet
- Eşkenar dörtgen.
- Saf, akar su.
The great sea, as distinguished from an arm, bay, etc.
The high sea; the ocean.
The continent, as distinguished from an island; the mainland.
main act
- Mücbir sebep
- Savaşmak
- Mücadele etmek
- Muharebe, savaş
- Dövüş
- Savaşa katılmak
- Mücadele etmek
- Zırhlı ve silahlı, tekerlekleri paletli, motorlu savaş taşıtı.
- Su, yakıt vb. sıvıları depolamaya yarayan araç.
- Bk. birikimlik
Small Indian dry measure, averaging 240 grains in weight; also, a Bombay weight of 72 grains, for pearls.
Large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for liquids.
The fixture reservoir for flush water On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve, and trip lever are installed in the tank A tank lid closes the top tank opening.
Vessel of large size to contain liquids.
An artificial reservoir for stock water; local in Southwest.
Vessel inside the dewar which contains liquid nitrogen.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
mainmain actmain agreementmain aid stationmain anodemain arterymain basemain beaconmain beammain bearingmaimai carimai istifhamiyyemai lezizmai magsulbattlebattle againstbattle areabattle arraybattle axbattle axebattle cancerbattle cruiserbattle crybattle damagebattbattalbattal bedenbattal boybattal ebru