magnum opus ne demek?
- Şaheser, en büyük eser
- Büyük şişe
- Şarap veya sert içkilere mahsus büyük şişe (1,5 litre)
- Magnus
- Bestecinin, besteleniş sırasına göre numaralanmış müzik eseri.
HP/Linux Cluster.
Lat Work; labor; the product of work or labor.
Caementicium - concrete.
Open Architecture Purse System.
Operations Pipeline Unified System.
Acronym for Organization of Persistent Upwelling Structures, a program taking place in 1983 that studied the inner part of a filament near Point Conception, California See Atkinson et al.
This represents a single-composer publication, not necessarily the chronological order.
Work, composition; commonly used to denote the number of a published work.