opus ne demek?

  1. Bestecinin, besteleniş sırasına göre numaralanmış müzik eseri.
  2. (en)Opus.
  3. (en)HP/Linux Cluster.
  4. (en)Lat Work; labor; the product of work or labor.
  5. (en)Caementicium - concrete.
  6. (en)Open Architecture Purse System.
  7. (en)Operations Pipeline Unified System.
  8. (en)Acronym for Organization of Persistent Upwelling Structures, a program taking place in 1983 that studied the inner part of a filament near Point Conception, California See Atkinson et al.
  9. (en)This represents a single-composer publication, not necessarily the chronological order.
  10. (en)Work, composition; commonly used to denote the number of a published work.
  11. (en)Opuses.
  12. (en)Work; specif.
  13. (en)Musical composition.
  14. (en)Musical work that has been created; 'the composition is written in four movements'.
  15. (en)Work' With a number, used to show the order in which the works by a given composer were written or published Opus numbers are most often used for composers who catalogued their own works.
  16. (en)Work'; opus numbers provide a means of cataloguing a composer's compositions.
  17. (en)Composers' works are generally catalogued by opus numbers, in the order in which they were written Usually abbreviated as op.
  18. (en)Op - The term, meaning work, is used by composers to show the chronological order of their works, e g Op 1, Op.
  19. (en)Latin for 'work,' these numbers list, in date order, when a work was composed or published.
  20. (en)Op: 'Work' With a number, used to show the order in which the works by a given composer were written or published Opus numbers are most often used for composers who catalogued their own works e g Op 1, Op.
  21. (en)System proposed by CISL in 1986 to follow on after Multics Eventually canceled by Bull Officially known as NOS/VS3 or HVS release 3 This group was managed by Michael Tague.
  22. (en)Work ' An opus number indicates the chronological order in which a piece was composed or published.
  23. (en)Single work or composition.
  24. Opus


  1. Küçük yapıt
  2. Kısa ve önemsiz eser.


  1. Küçük eser, küçük yapıt, ikincil edebi eser, önemsiz müzik veya edebiyat çalışŸması

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

opusculeopusculumopusesopulenceopulentopulent bolopulentlyopuntia ficus
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