locomotive principle ne demek?
- Sürükleme ilkesi
- Sürüklemek işi.
- Drag.
- Drift.
- Haul.
- Hauling.
- Lokomotif
- Harekete ait
- Hareket edebilen
- Lokomotif.
locomotive boiler
- Lokomotif kazani
- Kaide, tamamlayıcı unsur
- Prensip, ilke, esas
- Dürüstlük, ahlâk
- Ana, esas, kaynak
- Köken, temel neden
- Kural
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
locomotivelocomotive boilerlocomotive driverlocomotive enginelocomotive theorylocomotiflocomotionlocomotelocomobileprincipleprinciple ilkeprinciple of causalityprinciple of compulsory public prosecutionprinciple of elasticityprinciple of equal wagesprinciple of excluded middleprinciple of measurementprinciple of noncontradictionprinciple of publicityprincipalprincipal actionprincipal agencyprincipal agentprincipal agreement