lift drag ratio ne demek?

  1. Kaldirma sürükleme orani


  1. Teniste topa arkadan öne ve yukarıdan aşağıya doğru vurma.
  2. Şalgam.
  3. (en)Lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building.
  4. (en)Plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised; 'some actresses have more than one face lift'.
  5. (en)Transportation of people or goods by air.
  6. (en)Ride in a car; 'he gave me a lift home'.
  7. (en)The act of raising something; 'he responded with a lift of his eyebrow'; 'fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up'.
  8. (en)Raise from a lower to a higher position; 'Raise your hands'; 'Lift a load'.
  9. (en)Take hold of something and move it to a different location; 'lift the box onto the table'.
  10. (en)Move upwards; 'lift one's eyes'.

lift a ban

  1. Yasağı kaldırmak


  1. (ged, ging) sürüklemek, sürümek, çekmek
  2. Taramak, tesviye etmek (toprak)
  3. Suyun dibini çengel veya ağ ile taramak, yoklamak
  4. Taş yontmak
  5. Sürüklenmek, sürünmek
  6. Geride kalmak
  7. Sürükleme
  8. Sürüklenen şey ağır hareket
  9. Tarla tırmığı
  10. Suyun dibini taramaya mahsus çengel veya ağ takımı


  1. Katsayı
  2. Bkz. rasyo
  3. Nispet, oran
  4. Oran, orantı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

liftlift a banlift an anchorlift and force pumplift attendantlift boylift bridgelift coefficientlift downlift flapliflif biçimindelif çapılif kabağılif kabağından banyo lifidragdrag alongdrag anchordrag and dropdrag angledrag awaydrag bardrag behinddrag chaindrag coefficientdrabdrab monotondrabbetdrabbledrably
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