ley ne demek?
- Rumen para birimi.
- Sabun üretiminde ham yağların NaOH ile sabunlaştırılması yoluyla elde edilen tuz (%10-20) ve gliserol (%6-8) karışımı.
- Kab, zarf, mahfaza.
Straight line 'on' the landscape, linking sites of ancient significance, proposed by Alfred Watkins in the 1920s as ancient trackways The popular imagination supposes they may be lines of some force or energy, but experimentation and other kinds of investigation have not demonstrated this Current thinking is that they are 'spirit lines', ethereal or symbolic trackways across the land for spiritual travel in shamanic cultures, etc.
Field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock.
To lay; to wager.
See Lye.
Grass or meadow land; a lea.
Fallow; unseeded.
Rumanian currency ley.
- Geçici otlak
- Geviş getiren hayvanların ilk mide bölümü
- Romanya halkından veya bu halkın soyundan olan kimse.
- Romanya ve Rumenlerle ilgili olan şey.
- İşkembe
The first stomach of ruminants; the paunch; the fardingbag.
The first and largest of the four stomachs of ruminant animals in which initial digestion occurs by anaerobic fermentation by bacteria and protozoa.
First stomach.
The large first compartment of the stomach of certain animals in which cellulose is broken down by the action of bacteria.
Is the section of the bovine stomach where the first round of digestion takes place.
The first stomach of a ruminant animal Ruminant animals are grazing animals such as sheep and cattle When these animals digest food in their stomach without oxygen they produce methane emissions.
- (Leyl. C.) Geceler.
- Arapça gece anlamına gelen "leyl" kelimesinin çoğul şeklidir.
- Geceler.
- Bir kadın adı.