le ne demek?
- Türk alfabesinin on beşinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
Chronic inflammatory collagen disease affecting connective tissue.
LAN Emulation.
LAN Emulation Refer to LANE.
Local Exchange.
Marconi program that implements both the LAN Emulation Server and the Broadcast/Unknown Server.
Listed Endangered LT - Listed Threatened PE - Proposed Endangered PT - Proposed Threatened.
Leading Edge.
Lupus erthyematosus.
A/N, oblique case: reflexive pronoun ; anaphoric pronoun.
Individuals with Limited English proficiency The term 'individual with limited English proficiency' means a secondary school student, an adult, or an out-of-school youth, who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, and - whose native language is a language other than English; or who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language.
Law Enforcement.
The inductance of a driver's voice coil, typically measured at 1 kHz in millihenries.
Lesions Number of fish with lesions.
Labor Exchange.
Logic Element -- what Altera calls their logic blocks Contains a bit more logic than a 4-LUT.
Surnames with 'le', for example 'le Palefrayor', were occupational names, in this case, 'the chap who looked after the nobleman's horse' The name itself was not a surname, but an identifier name, but it later developed into a surname -- Renia Simmons.
Language Environment LE can be used in a CICS environment to provide a runtime library that establishes a common execution environment for programming languages.
Lighting efficacy.
With, attributed to.
Le Chatelier ilkesi
- Dengedeki bir sisteme bir dış etki uygulandığında, dengenin bu etkiyi azaltacak yöne kaydığını belirten bir prensip.
le corbusier
- Charles Edouard Jeanneret'in takma adı (1831-1912), ünlü Fransız mimar, modern kentsel mimarinin öncüsü