juristic acts ne demek?

  1. Hukuksal eylem
  2. Hukuki fiil


  1. Tüzel
  2. Hukuki
  3. (en)Legal.
  4. (en)Forensic.

juristic person

  1. Tüzel kişilik
  2. Tüzel kişiliğe sahip

juristic personality

  1. Tüzel kişilik


  1. Havariler tarihi, yeni ahit

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

juristic personjuristic personalityjuristicjuristicaljuristicallyjuristjurisconsultjurisdictionjurisdiction courtjurisdictionaljurisdictional disputejurijuri heyeti kararıjuri kararıjuri üyesijuridicactsacts crazyacts of godacts of hostilityacts of the apostlesacts offending good moralsactact a foolact a partact against someones ordersact as
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