instant coffee ne demek?
- Sıcak suyla yapılan kahve
- Çabuk kahve
instant meal
- Pratik yemek
instant pizza
- Çabuk pizza
- Kahve
- Kahvehane
- Kahverengi
- Kahve ağacı
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
instant mealinstant pizzainstantinstantaneityinstantaneousinstantaneous automatic gain controlinstantaneous blasting capinstantaneous centreinstantaneous currentinstantaneous frequencyinstanceinstancesinstancyinstansinstabil halinstabil mürekkepinstabiliteinstabilityinstablecoffeecoffee and smoking salooncoffee barcoffee beancoffee beanscoffee breakcoffee cakecoffee cancoffee capuccinocoffee cupcoffeacofactorcofactor expansioncofactor of a forward pathcofbrest