impedance matching ne demek?

  1. Empedans uyumu


  1. Özdirenç
  2. Bk. iç direnç
  3. (en)Impedance.


  1. Empedans, iç direnç, alternatif akım direnci
  2. Elek

impedance angle

  1. Empedans açısı


  1. Eşleme
  2. Uyumlu
  3. Denk, uygun

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

impedanceimpedance angleimpedance bridgeimpedance circleimpedance coilimpedance converterimpedance irregularityimpedance ratioimpedance relayimpedance transformermatchingmatching diaphragmmatching directionmatching impedancematching itemmatching looksmatching networkmatching of cost with revenuesmatching transformermatching wordsmatchmatch againstmatch and dispatch hatchmatch at cockfightingmatch box
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