hop hop ne demek?
- Bir davranışı engellemek veya uyarmak amacıyla söylenen bir seslenme sözü.
hop bind
- Şerbetçiotu sapı
hop bine
- Şerbetçiotu sapı
- Uyarmak amacıyla kullanılan bir söz.
To move by successive leaps, as toads do; to spring or jump on one foot; to skip, as birds do.
To walk lame; to limp; to halt.
To dance.
Leap on one leg, as of a boy; a leap, as of a toad; a jump; a spring.
Climbing plant , having a long, twining, annual stalk.
It is cultivated for its fruit.
The catkin or strobilaceous fruit of the hop, much used in brewing to give a bitter taste.
The fruit of the dog-rose.
See Hip.