hazelı asap ne demek?
- Bk. sinir argınlığı
sinir argınlığı
- Nevrasteni.
- Beden ve ruhsal görevlerde gevşeme ve bitkinlik biçiminde beliren bir sinirce.
Neurasthenia, nervous breakdown.
- işaret bırakan sevilen insan anlamındadır.
- Bk. Hazal.
- Gayret.
- Fındık ağacı, ela, açık kestane rengi
- ), (s.) fındık ağacı, (bot.) Corylus
- Bu ağacın kerestesi
- Sarıya çalan kestane rengi
- Fmdık ağaca ait
- Açık kahverengi
- Elâ hazelnut (i.) fındık.
hazel grouse
- Dağ tavuğu, Avrupaâda yerli dağ tavuğu, orman tavuğu
- Sinir
American Society for Automation in Pharmacy also, Analytic Systems Automated Purchasing.
AHOS SHEF Automatic Processing System.
Cisco Any Service, Any Port solution.
As soon as possible!.
Metasolv, formerly Nortel Networks, and Architel Solutions product referred to as Automatic Service Activation Program ASAP delivers service activation through the process of receiving service requests from the service order entry system, translating them into network element commands, and provisioning network elements.
Nerves sinirler.
As soon as possible.
ASAP stands for Application System Authorization Process ASAP is used to send email notification to the reviewers that an update has occurred and to send additional notifications to other interested parties ASAP can also be used to refer to the notice that is produced by the ASAP system.