haji mohammad suharto ne demek?

  1. Haji Mohammad Suharto, General Suharto (1921-2008), Endonezyalı ordu subayı, 1967-1998 yılları arası görev yapan eski Endonezya cumhurbaşŸkanı (32 yıllık görevden sonra baskı nedeniyle 1998'de istifa eden)


  1. Hac


  1. Afrika'da yaygın kobra türü (Naja haje).
  2. (en)The Egyptian asp or cobra It is related to the cobra of India, and like the latter has the power of inflating its neck into a hood.
  3. (en)Its bite is very venomous.
  4. (en)It is supposed to be the snake by means of whose bite Cleopatra committed suicide, and hence is sometimes called Cleopatra's snake or asp.
  5. (en)See Asp.

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