haje ne demek?
- Afrika'da yaygın kobra türü (Naja haje).
- The Egyptian asp or cobra It is related to the cobra of India, and like the latter has the power of inflating its neck into a hood.
- Its bite is very venomous.
- It is supposed to be the snake by means of whose bite Cleopatra committed suicide, and hence is sometimes called Cleopatra's snake or asp.
- See Asp.
- Hac
haji mohammad suharto
- Haji Mohammad Suharto, General Suharto (1921-2008), Endonezyalı ordu subayı, 1967-1998 yılları arası görev yapan eski Endonezya cumhurbaşkanı (32 yıllık görevden sonra baskı nedeniyle 1998'de istifa eden)