graphic artist ne demek?
- Grafiker
- Grafikçi.
[Grafiker (der) ] graphic artist, graphic designer, one skilled in the graphic arts (i.e.
Painting, drawing, illustration, photography).
graphic art
- Grafik sanat
graphic arts
- Grafik sanatı
- Güzel sanatlardan birini meslek edinen kimse, sanatçı, sanatkâr.
- Eğlence yerlerinde gösteri yapan kimse.
- Bk. sanatçı.
- Bk. sanatçı
- Bk. oyuncu
One who practices some mechanic art or craft; an artisan.
One who professes and practices an art in which science and taste preside over the manual execution.
One who shows trained skill or rare taste in any manual art or occupation.
Person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
graphic artgraphic artsgraphic acceleratorgraphic adaptergraphic animationgraphicgraphic charactergraphic design.graphic designer.graphic displaygraphiagraphgraph areagraph colors followgraph kuramigraph of a networkartistartist gibiartist namzediartistçeartisteartisticartistic creationartistic dancingartistic getupartistic methodartis oraniartisanartisanalartisanal fisheryartisanry