artist ne demek?
- Güzel sanatlardan birini meslek edinen kimse, sanatçı, sanatkâr.
- Eğlence yerlerinde gösteri yapan kimse.
- Bk. sanatçı.
- Bk. sanatçı
- Bk. oyuncu
One who practices some mechanic art or craft; an artisan.
One who professes and practices an art in which science and taste preside over the manual execution.
One who shows trained skill or rare taste in any manual art or occupation.
Person whose creative work shows sensitivity and imagination.
The name of the individual or group who made the work that is the subject of the record e g Lawrence Beck for Punk Bear Spirit.
Practicing fine artist who is not necessarily a resident of the Kansas City metro area Generally recognized by critics and peers as a professional of serious intent and ability The artist may not be a member of the project architectural firm.
One who practices an art in which imagination and taste presides over the execution This is not deemed to include the business of teaching the mechanics of the art.
An attribute which may be used in the Recording and Source elements to specify the name of the recording artist.
To be an artist is often to give yourself permission to do things which you think are not allowed Get inspired from people around you, share, make 'mistakes', look at what are others peoples doing, do something even if you don't have the perfect skills to do it But most of all, don't judge yourself, the only 'mistake' you can do is to judge yourself!.
The artist is usually listed first i e Hunting scene by Henry Alken The artist painted or drew the original picture He or she may or may not have been involved in the print making process Sometimes the original might be redrawn- i e Hunting scene by Smith after Henry Alken.
This term is used to apply to any practitioner in the arts, not limited to visual arts.
In Europe, this refers to cards of actors and actresses In America, it refers to illustrators.
An artist is somebody who draws, paints or produces other works of art.
One who makes art.
The Entertainer.
The traditional skills of fine artists like painters or sculptors in visually defining and describing objects is a core influence on the work of the designer for industry Designers in Britain in the early years of the 20th century were called commercial artists.
Waste of space.
An artful person; a schemer.
- Sanatçı, sanatkar, ressam, artist, usta
- Sanatçı, sanatkâr, ressam, heykeltıraş
- Sahne sanatçısı
- Argo düzenbaz kimse.
- Güzel sanatların herhangi bir dalında yaratıcılığı olan, eser veren kimse, sanat adamı, sanat eri, sanatkâr.
- Sinema, tiyatro, müzik vb. sanat eserlerini oynayan, yorumlayan, uygulayan kimse
- Yaratıcı ve olağandışı nitelikleri olan, sanat yapabilecek yetkide olan kişi.
artist gibi
- Boylu boslu, güzel ve alımlı, yakışıklı (kimse).
artist namzedi
- Bk. yıldızcık