gradually increasing in tempo ne demek?
- Accelerando
- Gittikçe hızlanarak (çalınmak).
- Gradual quickening of the tempo.
- Becoming gradually faster Abbreviated accel.
- Increase of speed in music.
- Gradually accelerating the movement.
- What happens when drummers have to keep a steady beat.
- Gradually increasing tempo of music; 'my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos' gradually increasing in tempo with increasing speed; 'here you must play accelerando'.
- Tempo marking meaning getting faster.
- An increase in velocity.
- Gradually increasing tempo of music; 'my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos'.
- Derece derece
- Kademeli olarak
- Gitgide
- Yavaş yavaş
- Günbegün
- Adım adım
- Peyderpey
- Azar azar
gradually accelerating the movement
- Accelerando
- Çoğalan
- Yaban hayvanlarının kendilerine yuva edindikleri kovuk.
- Mağara.
- İnsan.
- Bkz. kovuk, mağara.
- Koyun pisliği
- (edat) içinde, -de, -da
- Lair.
- Cave.
- Hole.
- Burrow.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
graduallygradually accelerating the movementgradually becoming softergradually decreasing in volumegradually getting softergradually growing softergradualgradual decrease in loudnessgradual decrease in volumegradualismgradualitygraduincreasingincreasing costsincreasing depreciationincreasing efficiencyincreasing functionincreasing in varietyincreasing rate preference sharesincreasing returnsincreasing returns to scaleincreasing sequenceincreasableincreaseincrease amount of loan guaranteesincrease byincrease decimal