gradually increasing in tempo ne demek?

  1. Accelerando


  1. Gittikçe hızlanarak (çalınmak).
  2. (en)Gradual quickening of the tempo.
  3. (en)Becoming gradually faster Abbreviated accel.
  4. (en)Increase of speed in music.
  5. (en)Gradually accelerating the movement.
  6. (en)What happens when drummers have to keep a steady beat.
  7. (en)Gradually increasing tempo of music; 'my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos' gradually increasing in tempo with increasing speed; 'here you must play accelerando'.
  8. (en)Tempo marking meaning getting faster.
  9. (en)An increase in velocity.
  10. (en)Gradually increasing tempo of music; 'my ear will not accept such violent accelerandos'.


  1. Derece derece
  2. Kademeli olarak
  3. Gitgide
  4. Yavaş yavaş
  5. Günbegün
  6. Adım adım
  7. Peyderpey
  8. Azar azar

gradually accelerating the movement

  1. Accelerando


  1. Çoğalan


  1. Yaban hayvanlarının kendilerine yuva edindikleri kovuk.
  2. Mağara.
  3. İnsan.
  4. Bkz. kovuk, mağara.
  5. Koyun pisliği
  6. (edat) içinde, -de, -da
  7. (en)Lair.
  8. (en)Cave.
  9. (en)Hole.
  10. (en)Burrow.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

graduallygradually accelerating the movementgradually becoming softergradually decreasing in volumegradually getting softergradually growing softergradualgradual decrease in loudnessgradual decrease in volumegradualismgradualitygraduincreasingincreasing costsincreasing depreciationincreasing efficiencyincreasing functionincreasing in varietyincreasing rate preference sharesincreasing returnsincreasing returns to scaleincreasing sequenceincreasableincreaseincrease amount of loan guaranteesincrease byincrease decimal
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