goods agent ne demek?
- Nakliyeci
- Taşımacı.
- Remover.
- Forwarding agent.
- Person who operates a transport company.
- Freighter.
- Freight agent.
- Shipping agent.
- Transporter.
- Shipper.
- Carrier.
goods account
- Mal sayışımı
goods acre
- Mezarlık
- Acente, temsilci
- Ajan, distribütör
- Etkili olan kimse veya şey
- Etken, etmen, faktör
- Vekil
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
goods accountgoods acregoods and chattgoods and chattelsgoods and servicesgoodsgoods enginegoods exchangegoods in transitgoods liftgoodgood afternoongood afternoongood eveninggood agricultural practicegood appetiteagentagent bankagent basedagent in useagent nameagent of necessityagent of traderagent optionsagent orangeagent oriented modelling techniqueagencyagency administratoragency businessagency directoragency fee