ful ne demek?
- Taşkırangillerden, birçok türleri bulunan ağaççık ve bunun güzel kokulu beyaz çiçeği (Casmin sambac).
- Küçük taneli bir bakla türü.
- Tam, bütün, eksiksiz.
- İskambil oyununda benzer kâğıtların bir araya gelmesi.
- Büyük beyaz çiçekleri kokulu, boyu üç metreyi bulabilen bir ağaççık ve bunun beyaz, kokulu çiçeği.
- Bakla. Fasulye.
Is the name for the small-seeded fava bean, the basic culinary bean of Egypt It is the key ingredient in ful medames , a traditional bean stew served for breakfast The beans are slow-cooked until tender, mashed and then mixed with olive oil and seasonings, typically lemon juice or cumin.
Adjective/adverb full, complete, filled, entire, utter, perfectly or foul, dirty, impure, corrupt, stinking, guilty.
Adv: full, very 1, 18, 21, 32, 46.
Adv very [OE full].
Very, extremely, completely and utterly 'Those baatezu Hardheads were ful angry when we gave them the laugh!'.
Family of languages of the Fulani people of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages.
Arabian jasmine.
Suffix signifying full of, abounding with; as, boastful, harmful, woeful.
ful olma
Full house.
- Çelik.