final ne demek?
- Bir işin sonu.
- Dönem sonu sınavı.
- Bir müzik parçasının son bölümü, bitiş.
- Elemeli yarışmalarda sonucu belirten karşılaşma.
- Bk. bitiş
- Bk. son yarış
Respecting an end or object to be gained; respecting the purpose or ultimate end in view.
The final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament not to be altered or undone; 'the judge's decision is final'; 'the arbiter will have the last say' conclusive in a process or progression; 'the final answer'; 'a last resort'; 'the net result'.
The final match between the winners of all previous matches in an elimination tournament.
An examination administered at the end of an academic term.
Occurring at or forming an end or termination; 'his concluding words came as a surprise'; 'the final chapter'; 'the last days of the dinosaurs'; 'terminal leave'.
Conclusive in a process or progression; 'the final answer'; 'a last resort'; 'the net result'.
Not to be altered or undone; 'the judge's decision is final'; 'the arbiter will have the last say'.
Modifier indicating 1 that the value associated with a name, once assigned, cannot be changed, or 2 that a method cannot be overridden in a subclass, or 3 that a class cannot be extended.
The phase of a landing approach where the aircraft is flying toward the approach end of the runway along the extended runway centerline ATC references to 'short final' indicate that the aircraft is within about one mile of touchdown An aircraft crossing the approach end of the runway immediately prior to touchdown may be described as 'over the numbers'.
Survey of residential property showing all improvements Usually preceded by a foundation survey Most often used as a legal document when closing on a mortgage loan for on a residence.
In a given mode, the note at which the melody comes to rest; it is usually therefore employed as the ending note of the melody; for the Greek modes the choice of final determines the mode.
Grade assigned at the end of a course to indicate the degree to which a learner has met the learning outcomes of the course.
Keyword that may be applied to classes, methods, and data which will prevent it from being extended, overriden, or changed, respectively.
The final keyword is a modifier that may be applied to classes, methods, and variables It has a similar, but not identical, meaning in each case When final is applied to a class, it means that the class may never be subclassed java lang System is an example of a final class When final is applied to a variable, the variable is a constant; i e , it can't be modified.
Any single race which determines final places and times in an event.
Modifier that prevents subclass definition, makes variables constant, and prevents a subclass from overriding a method.
Noref, nohrehf.
VARCHAR2 Indicates whether the method is final or not.
Exam that comes at the end of each semester.
Pertaining to the end or conclusion; last; terminating; ultimate; as, the final day of a school term.
Conclusive; decisive; as, a final judgment; the battle of Waterloo brought the contest to a final issue.
Final Approach One of the many words describing the approach segments The part of a landing sequence or aerodrome circuit procedure in which the aircraft has made its final turn and is inbound to the active runway See picture at right.
The championship final of an event in which the fastest eight swimmers from the morning preliminaries compete Top.
JavaTM programming language keyword You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value.
Cumulative exam on a particular course in one term encompassing all material covered throughout the duration of the course.
Java reserved word which serves as a modifier for classes , methods, and variables A final class cannot be used to derive a new class A final method cannot be overridden A final variable is a constant.
The final keyword is a modifier that may be applied to classes, methods, and variables It has a similar, but not identical meaning in each case When final is applied to a class, it means that the class may never be subclassed java lang System is an example of a final class When final is applied to a variable, the variable is a constant; i e , it can't be modified.
Java keyword indicating that a variable, method or class cannot be further defined or overridden or subclassed.
The championship final of an event in which the fastest eight swimmers from the morning preliminaries compete.
Final is a mantra that is meant to reflect an ultimatum or resolution.
Java programming language keyword You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value.
Keyword used to define a constant.
VARCHAR2 Indicates whether the type is a final type or not.
- Son, nihai
- Kati, kesin
- Sonuncu
- , son baskı
- , spor kesin sonuç veren oyun, final, bir spor karşılaşmasmın son ve kati denemesi
- Sömestre sonu imtihanı
- Final, final karşılaşması, final sınavı, son baskı (gazete)
- Sayıların ilki.
- Bu sayıyı gösteren 1, I rakamlarının adı.
- Bu sayı kadar olan.
- Herhangi bir varlığı belirsiz olarak gösteren (sayı).
- Tek.
- Beraber.
- Eş, aynı, bir boyda.
- Ortaklaşa olan, birleşik, müşterek.
- Kuyu. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: bi'r)
- Yıldırım. Bulutdan buluta veya bulutdan yere elektrik boşanması.
- Bitme işi veya biçimi, bitme, sona erme
- Gitar boya veya cilasının dışarıdan görünen katı.
- Türk gölge oyunu ile ortaoyunu'nda son kesim. Bu kısa kesimde oyunun bittiği bildirilir, gelecek oyunun adı ve oynanacağı yer belirtilir.
- Bir filmin sona erişini gösteren, filmin sonunda yer alan görüntüler; bu görüntülerin ortaya koyduğu belirli durum.
Ending, closing scene, final scene.
final account
- Kesin hesap
final account law
- Kesin hesap yasası