fin ne demek?
- Finlandiya halkından veya bu halkın soyundan olan kimse.
- Fin halkına özgü olan.
- Halkına özgü olan.
Fixed stabilizing surface, usually vertical, similar in purpose to a bilge keel on a ship.
Organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals a stabilizer that resembles the fins of a fish show the fins above the water while swimming; 'The sharks were finning near the surface' propel oneself through the water in a finning motion equip with fins.
The cardinal number that is the sum of four and one.
One of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobile.
One of a set of parallel slats in a door or window to admit air and reject rain.
Shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming.
Stabilizer that resembles the fins of a fish.
Organ of locomotion and balance in fishes and some other aquatic animals.
Equip with fins.
Propel oneself through the water in a finning motion.
Show the fins above the water while swimming; 'The sharks were finning near the surface'.
Fixed or adjustable airfoil or vane attached longitudinally to an aircraft, rocket, or similar body to provide a stabilizing effect.
Fleet Identification Number Ford's identification code for North American fleet customers.
Straight plate that lies in the water under the boat, which helps maintain balance and directional control.
Firearm Identification Number FIP: Firearms Interest Police.
Narrow, long, vertical wall of rock created by expansion of bounding joints by erosional forces.
Vertical stabilizer.
Control bit occupying one sequence number, which indicates that the sender will send no more data or control occupying sequence space.
The ball-pass frequency on the inner race.
Term used to describe a deck surface condition A sharp raised edge capable of damaging a roof membrane or vapor retarder.
To carve or cut up, as a chub.
End; conclusion; object.
An organ of a fish, consisting of a membrane supported by rays, or little bony or cartilaginous ossicles, and serving to balance and propel it in the water.
Membranous, finlike, swimming organ, as in pteropod and heteropod mollusks.
Finlike organ or attachment; a part of an object or product which protrudes like a fin The hand.
Blade of whalebone.
Mark or ridge left on a casting at the junction of the parts of a mold.
The thin sheet of metal squeezed out between the collars of the rolls in the process of rolling.
Feather; a spline.
Finlike appendage, as to submarine boats.
FINish flag.
Sharp protrusion in a roof deck that can damage roof components.
Straight, flat stabilizing structure which extends vertically downward and aids in maintaining a straight course while underway It is fixed near the stern of the shell Also known as the 'skeg'.
The fixed forward portion of the vertical tail surfaces.
SWIFT's core store and forward message processing service bearing that name which enables financial institutions to exchange data worldwide.
Fan-like body part in ray-finned fish It has spines covered with a thin skin The fish uses it to move.
FASTER Identification Number.
Thin projection of metal from the casting, formed as a result of imperfect mold or core joints.
Vertical support made entirely of glass between two abutting glass panes Also sometimes known as a glass mullion.
The Fin, also known as the 'vertical stabilizer', is the fixed vertical surface at the rear of an aircraft It provides yaw stability for the aircraft.
The skeg.
Thin projected edge or casting.
Florida Inclusion Network.
Narrow, linear projection on a formed concrete surface, resulting from mortar flowing into spaces in the formwork.
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fin balinası
- Balinalar (Cetacea) takımının, çatal kuyruklu balinagiller (Balaenopteridae) familyasından, 19-25 m kadar uzunlukta, büyük bir sırt yüzgeçli, 61 cm kadar kısa balina çubuklarına sahip, bütün okyanuslarda yaşayan bir memeli türü.
- Balinalar takımının, çatal kuyruklu balinagiller (Balaenopteridae) familyasından, 25 m kadar uzunlukta olabilen, büyük bir sırt yüzgeci, 61 cm kadar kısa balina çubuklarına sahip, bütün okyanuslarda yaşayan bir memeli türü.
Finback whale.
Rorqual commun
Balaenoptera physalus
fin base
- Yüzgeç kaidesi