federasyon şeklinde ne demek?
- Federal
- Federasyon durumunda birleşmiş olan.
- Fr. Bir devletler federasyonu ile alakalı, yahut ona ait.
- Friendly or devoted to such a government; as, the Federal party.
- See Federalist.
- Any federal law-enforcement officer a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War national; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; 'the Federal Bureau of Investigation'; 'federal courts'; 'the federal highway program'; 'federal property' characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities; 'a federal system like that of the United States'; 'federal governments often evolved out of confederatons' of or relating to the central government of a federation; 'a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government'.
- Member of the Union Army during the American Civil War.
- Any federal law-enforcement officer.
- National; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; 'the Federal Bureau of Investigation'; 'federal courts'; 'the federal highway program'; 'federal property'.
- Of or relating to the central government of a federation; 'a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government'.
- Being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the Civil War; 'Union soldiers'; 'Federal forces'; 'a Federal infantryman'.
- Savunma ve dış politika alanında dayanışma amacıyla birden fazla devletin bir birlik devleti içinde birleşmesi.
- Aynı alandaki çeşitli kuruluşları bir arada toplayan dayanışma birliği.
- Bk. birlik
- Fr. Bir kaç devletin bir devlet meydana getirecek şekilde birleşmesi.
- Federacy.
- Federation.
federasyon halinde birleştirmek
- Federate
- Shaped.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
federasyonfederasyon halinde birleştirmekfederacyfederalfederal federal acquisition regulationfederal acquisition regulationsşeklindeşeklinde demirşeklinde sonuçlanmakşeklindeki eğrişeklindeki virajşeklindeki yakaşeklişekli bozulmuşşekli disiplinşekli mülakatşekle aitşeklenşeklı suçşeklı unsurlarda taklit