federal acquisition regulations ne demek?
- Far
- Taşıtların ön bölümünde bulunan, kısa ve uzun mesafeyi aydınlatmaya yarayan ışık düzeneği
- Kadınların süs için göz kapaklarına sürdükleri çeşitli renkte boya, düzgün
- Bk. önışıtaç
- Fr. Otomobil, kamyon gibi nakil vasıtalarının önündeki kuvvetli lambalar.
- Fare, sıçan. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: fâr)
- Budak ve ağaç başı.
Young pig, or a litter of pigs.
Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent.
Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty.
federal acquisition regulation
- Far
- Federasyon durumunda birleşmiş olan.
- Fr. Bir devletler federasyonu ile alakalı, yahut ona ait.
Friendly or devoted to such a government; as, the Federal party.
See Federalist.
Any federal law-enforcement officer a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War national; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; 'the Federal Bureau of Investigation'; 'federal courts'; 'the federal highway program'; 'federal property' characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities; 'a federal system like that of the United States'; 'federal governments often evolved out of confederatons' of or relating to the central government of a federation; 'a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government'.
Member of the Union Army during the American Civil War.
Any federal law-enforcement officer.
National; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; 'the Federal Bureau of Investigation'; 'federal courts'; 'the federal highway program'; 'federal property'.
Of or relating to the central government of a federation; 'a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government'.
Being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the Civil War; 'Union soldiers'; 'Federal forces'; 'a Federal infantryman'.
- Kazanç
- İktisap
- Edinme, kazanma
- Kazanılan şey
- Kütüphaneye yeni gelen kitap
- Müzeye yeni gelen eşya
- Mevzuat, yasalar
- Nizamname, yönetmelik
- Kurallar, tüzük
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
federal acquisition regulationfederalfederal federal ajanfederal aviation administrationfederal aviation administration faafederal aviation agencyfederal aviation regulationfederal aviation regulationsfederal aviation regulations farsfederacyfedekfedfed him liesfed in datafed upfed up withacquisitionacquisition agreementacquisition and tracking radaracquisition costacquisition of knowledgeacquisition priceacquisition programacquisition taleacquisition value