ester ne demek?
- Oksijenli asitler ile alkollerin aralarından bir su molekülü ayrılması sonucunda verdikleri madde.
- Organik asitlerle (RCOOH), alkollerin (R'OH) etkileşmelerinden oluşan ve RCOOR' genel formülüyle gösterilen bileşik grubunun genel adı. Esterler, oluşturdukları asitten ve alkolden daha uçucu, su ile karışmayan ve yağları iyi çözen sıvı maddelerdir.
- Asit ve alkollerden suyun ayrılmasıyla oluşan bileşikler.
- Katır.
Compound formed from an alcohol and an acid by elimination of water.
Compound formed by the reaction between an alcohol and an acid, with the elimination of water.
Compounds that are formed by the reaction of alchohols and acids with the elimination of a water molecule e g ethyl-acetate.
Compound formed by the elimination of water and bonding of an alcohol and an organic acid.
Compound formed by the reaction between an acid and an alcohol with the elimination of a molecule of water.
An organic compound formed by the reaction of an acid and an alcohol.
An ethereal salt, or compound ether, consisting of an organic radical united with the residue of any oxygen acid, organic or inorganic; thus the natural fats are esters of glycerin and the fatty acids, oleic, etc.
Formed by reaction between an acid and an alcohol with elimination of water.
An ester is a compound formed from the reaction between an acid and an alcohol In esters of carboxylic acids, the -COOH group of the acid and the -OH group of the alcohol lose a water and become a -COO- linkage.
An organic compound produced by the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.
Chemical compound formed by the reaction of an organic or inorganic acid with an alcohol or with another organic compound containing the hydroxyl radical The reaction involves replacement of the hydrogen of the acid with a hydrocarbon group The name of the ester indicates its derivation; e g , the ester resulting from the reaction of ethyl alcohol and ascetic acid is called ethyl acetate Esters have important uses in the formulation of some petroleum additives and synthetic lubricants See dibasic acid ester, phosphate ester.
Compound of the general formula R-C-O-R1 where R and R1 may be the same or different, and may be either aliphatic or aromatic.
- ), (kim.) ester, asitlerin alkollere etkisiyle elde edilen organik bileşik.
- Ester
ester çizgisi
- Sırt ve bel bölgesinde vücudun genel olarak göstermiş olduğu kıl örtüsü rengine beyaz renkte kılların karışmasıyla görülen, özellikle doru ve kula donlu atlarda ve ayrıca esmer ırk sığırlarda da bir ırk özelliği olarak göze çarpan çizgi şeklindeki nişane.
Dorsal stripe.
ester değeri
Ester value.