dull effect ne demek?
- Mat efekt
- Satranç oyununda taraflardan birinin yenilgisi.
- Parlak olmayan, donuk.
Cast down; dejected; overthrown; slain.
Fabric of sedge, rushes, flags, husks, straw, hemp, or similar material, used for wiping and cleaning shoes at the door, for covering the floor of a hall or room, and for other purposes.
Any similar fabric for various uses, as for covering plant houses, putting beneath dishes or lamps on a table, securing rigging from friction, and the like.
Anything growing thickly, or closely interwoven, so as to resemble a mat in form or texture; as, a mat of weeds; a mat of hair.
To cover or lay with mats.
To twist, twine, or felt together; to interweave into, or like, a mat; to entangle.
Fibrous reinforcing material comprised of chopped filaments or swirled filaments with a binder to maintain form; available in blankets of various widths, weights, and lengths.
Fibrous material for reinforced plastic consisting of randomly oriented chopped filaments, short fibers , or swirled filaments loosely held together with a binder.
dull emitter cathode
- Donuk emitörlü katot
dull grey
- Kurşuni
- Etkisi olmak
- Sonuca vardırmak
- Etki etmek
- Fiil, iş, işlem
- Gerçekleştirmek
- Ödeme yapmak
- Elektronik devreler yardımıyla gitar sesi üzerinde yapılan değişiklik ve süslemeler.
- Etki, sonuç, eser
- Anlam, husus, meal
- Meydana getirmek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
dull emitter cathodedull greydull marketdull metaldull seasondulldull sounddull stickdull surfacedull voiceduldul avrat otudul düşesdul erkekdul kadıneffecteffect a reconciliationeffect coloreffect customs clearanceeffect neticeeffect of assumed conversionseffect optionseffect painfullyeffect playingeffect processoreffeffaceefface o.s.efface oneselfeffaceable