drilling platform ne demek?
- Petrol sondaj platformu
- Yoğunluğu 0,8-0,95 arasında olabilen, hidrokarbürlerden oluşmuş, kendisine özgü kokusu olan, koyu renkli, arıtılmamış, doğal yanıcı mineral yağ, yer yağı
- Bk. yeryağı
Brit Gasoline.
UK term for gasoline, either lamp fuel or automobile fuel.
In this type of engine, air and petrol are mixed together, then sent to each cylinder, where an electric spark from a spark plug causes the mixture to ignite and explode This drives the piston downward, rotating the crankshaft, which in turn rotates the wheels of the vehicle.
Commonly known as gasoline.
Rock oil.
Fossil oil.
- Delme, sondaj yapma, talim
drilling bit
- Matkap ucu
- Yüksekçe yer.
- Büyük çaplı tabakaların çarpılması ve bunun sonucunda oluşan hafif eğimlerle nitelenen jeolojik yapı tipi.
- Bir siyaset programında, dayanılan düşünce veya düşüncelerin tümü.
Plat; a plan; a sketch; a model; a pattern.
Used also figuratively.
Place laid out after a model.
Any flat or horizontal surface; especially, one that is raised above some particular level, as a framework of timber or boards horizontally joined so as to form a roof, or a raised floor, or portion of a floor; a landing; a dais; a stage, for speakers, performers, or workmen; a standing place.
Declaration of the principles upon which a person, a sect, or a party proposes to stand; a declared policy or system; as, the Saybrook platform; a political platform.
Light deck, usually placed in a section of the hold or over the floor of the magazine.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
drillingdrilling bitdrilling capacitydrilling hammerdrilling machinedrilling or tamping roddrilling ratedrilling rigdrilling tabledrilldrill bitdrill bookdrill bracedrill bushingdrilplatformplatform balanceplatform bedplatform carplatform previewplatform scaleplatform scalesplatform shoesplatform soleplatform ticketplatplat bookplatalea leucoradiaplatalea leucorodiaplataleidae