dominant ne demek?
- Başat.
- Baskın
- Baskın gen.
- Bk. baskın
- Baskın.
- Baskın.
The fifth tone of the scale; thus G is the dominant of C, A of D, and so on.
The fifth note of the diatonic scale exercising influence or control; 'television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion'; 'the dominant partner in the marriage' of genes; producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar.
The fifth note of the diatonic scale.
Exercising influence or control; 'television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion'; 'the dominant partner in the marriage'.
Of genes; producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar.
Relative term describing the relationship of one allele to a second at the same locus when an animal heterozygous for these alleles expresses the same phenotype as an animal homozygous for the first allele The second allele of the pair is considered recessive See Dominant in the MGI Glossary.
The fifth degree of the diatonic scale, measured upward from the tonic.
Gene that almost always results in a specific physical characteristic even though the patient's genome possesses only one copy With a dominant gene, the chance of passing on the gene, which may cause a condition or disease, to children is 50-50 in each pregnancy.
An allele or phenotype that is expressed in either the homozygous or the heterozygous state.
Trait governed by an allele that can be expressed in the presence of another, different allele Dominant alleles prevent the expression of recessive alleles in heterozygotes.
Ruling; governing; prevailing; controlling; predominant; as, the dominant party, church, spirit, power.
One of a series of terms applied to the phenotypic effect of a particular allele in reference to another allele with respect to a given trait An allele 'A' is said to be dominant with respect to the allele 'a' if the A/A homozygote and the A/a heterozygote are phenotypically identical and different from the a/a homozygote See also Codominant, Recessive, Semidominant.
Chord based on the fifth degree of the diatonic scale being used A dominant usually resolves to the tonic.
The fifth degree of the major or minor scale Also, the term for the triad built on the fifth degree, labelled V in harmonic analysis.
The fifth note of the diatonic scale This applies tomajor and minonr keys The dominant note in the key of C is G, for example.
An allele is said to be dominant if it expresses its phenotype even in the presence of a recessive allele See Allele, Phenotype, Recessive.
An allele that is almost always expressed, even if only one copy is present See also: gene, genome.
The extent to which a gene is expressed; dominant indicates that it is expressed a lot.
Heritable character possessed by one parent of a hybrid which, when pure, will express itself in the hybrid to the apparent exclusion of the opposite or recessive character in the other parent Also a species that comprises the majority of biota in an ecosystem.
Trees with crowns extending above the general level of the canopy and receiving full light from above and partly from the side; taller than the average trees in the stand with crowns well developed.
Those conditions that are expressed in heterozygotes, ie, individuals with 1 copy of the mutant gene and 1 copy of the normal allele; refers to phenotype.
Alleles that determine the phenotype displayed in a heterozygote with another allele.
The fifth degree of the scale.
The fifth degree of the major or minor scale Also, the term for the triad built on the fifth degree, labelled V in harmonic analysis A dominant usually resolves to the tonic.
Trees with well developed crowns which are above the canopy and receive direct sunlight from above and partially from the side.
An allele that is almost always expressed, even if only one copy is present Source : Human Genome Project Information.
The fifth note of a diatonic scale.
- Biyol başat özellik
- Sol notası.
- Hakim, mütehakkim, idare eden, yöneten, galip, tesirli, nüfuzlu
- Bir gamda sol notasına ait, dominant
- Başat.
- Başat karakter, baskın karakter, dominant özellik
- Suç işlediği veya suçluların bulunduğu sanılan bir yere ansızın girme.
- Kısa süreli, beklenmedik saldırı
- Su basması, sel.
- Ansızın çıkagelme.
- Sertlik, zorluk bakımından üstün
- Herhangi bir yönden üstün.
- Ana ya da babadan birisinin sahip olduğu bir karakterin, diğerinin ana ya da babadan sahip olduğu karşıt ve çekinik karakterin ifadesini engelleyerek melezde gözükmesi. Dominant.
- Bir allelin etkisinin diğer allel tarafından örtülmesi, baskılanması durumu.
- Genetik bir özelliğin fenotipe yansıyabilmesi için tek bir allelin yeterli olmasıyla özelliğini gösteren karakter, dominant, başat.
- Kısa süreli beklenmedik saldırı.
dominant closed loop poles
- Baskın kapalı döngü kutupları
dominant custom
- Egemen görenek