link access protocol ne demek?
- Lap
- Yumuşak ve ağır bir şey düştüğünde çıkan ses.
- (--ped, --ping) yalayarak içmek. (dalga) hafif hafif çarpmak.
- Lenfadenopati'nin kısaltılmış şeklidir. Lenfadenopati, lenf bezlerinde büyüme anlamına gelir.
- (--ped, --ping) (yarışta) (rakibini) bir devirlik mesafe ile geçmek
One circuit around a race track, esp.
When the distance is a small fraction of a mile; as, to run twenty laps; to win by three laps.
The sound of lapping.
The upper side of the thighs of a seated person; 'he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap'.
- Atın eşkin yürüyüşü.
- İletişimi sağlayan dizgenin, teknik ağın birliği.
- Bk. telsiz bağlantısı
Torch made of tow and pitch, or the like.
Single ring or division of a chain.
Hence: Anything, whether material or not, which binds together, or connects, separate things; a part of a connected series; a tie; a bond.
Anything doubled and closed like a link; as, a link of horsehair.
Any intermediate rod or piece for transmitting force or motion, especially a short connecting rod with a bearing at each end; specifically , the slotted bar, or connecting piece, to the opposite ends of which the eccentric rods are jointed, and by means of which the movement of the valve is varied, in a link motion.
Bond of affinity, or a unit of valence between atoms; applied to a unit of chemical force or attraction.
Sausages; because linked together.
link address
- Bağlama adresi
- Bkz. akse
- Giriş, yol, methal, geçit
- Artma, çoğalma
- Erişim sağlamak
- Bağlamak
- Bkz. protokol
- Diplomatik işlerde kullanılan resmi usuller, teşrifat
- Zabıt varakası, tutanak
- Bir anlaşmaya ilave edilen madde
- Protokol yapmak.
- Tutanağa kaydetmek
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
linklink addresslink armslink bitlink blocklink buildinglink by link enciphermentlink dialoglink filelink hattılinlinalinaceaelinagelinalolaccessaccess accountaccess alanıaccess allowedaccess armaccess authorizationaccess barredaccess barriersaccess bus portaccess cardaccesibilityaccesibleaccedeaccede toaccede to the ministryaccede to the throneaccedence