deme ne demek?
- "gerçek mi", "yok canım" gibi şaşma anlatır.
- Anlam.
- Halk edebiyatında şiir.
- Genellikle Alevi şairlerin tarikatlarıyla ilgili konuları işleyen şiirlerine, kendilerince verilen ad.
- Ağıt.
- Atasözü.
- Demek işi
- Ateş körüğü.
Give; present; deal; produce, yield; cause; perform; say; take; teach; lecture; start, begin; overlook; surrender.
Territorial subdivision of Attica , corresponding to a township.
An undifferentiated aggregate of cells or plastids.
Local population of a species; the community of potentially interbreeding individuals at a given locality; a population or race sampled over time.
Breeding group unit In natural populations of mice, a deme usually consists of one breeding male with a harem of up to 8 females.
Act of saying.
Geographic subpopulation, mostly inbreeding but with occasional gene flow via migrants from the larger metapopulation.
Locally interbreeding population.
Separately evolving subset of the whole population The subsets may be evolved on a different computers Emigration between subset may be used.
Habitation cylinder, or sub-division thereof; one of the sub-elements of a Cluster.
- Nahiye
- Eski Atina'da ve bugünkü Yunanistan'da nahiye.
deme gitsin
- Anlatılamaz.
- İndirgemek
- Küçük düşürmek
- Küçültmek
- Alçaltmak