dem ne demek?
- Hazırlanan çayın renk ve koku bakımından istenilen durumu.
- Pişirilen yemeklerin yenecek kıvama gelmesi.
- Soluk, nefes.
- Zaman, çağ
Âdemden bu deme neslim getirdi / Bana türlü türlü meyve getirdi.
Âşık Veysel - İçki.
- Koku.
- Kan.
- Göz yaşı. Sürurdan veya keder sebebiyle ağlama neticesi gelen göz yaşı.
DEM means 'Digital Elevation Model' It is a 'grid' of points that contains both horizontal and vertical data about the earth's surface DEMs are commonly used for the creation of 'ortho' photos A sketch of a DEM is shown below:.
Is short for digital elevation model, a data exchange format developed by the United States Geological Survey for geographical and topographical data.
Digital Elevation Model See digital terrain model.
Digital elevation model - This term is used very generally to describe a great variety of terrain files and file formats There are also a number of mutually incompatible file formats that use the dem file name extension.
The ISO 4217 currency code for Deutschemark.
3-Dimensional image showing elevation and relief.
Digital Elevation Model : A model of terrain relief in the form of a MATRIX Easch element of the DEM is regared as a node of an imaginary grid The gird is defined by identifying one of its corner , the distance between nodes in both the X and Y directions, the number of nodes in both the X and Y directions and the gird orientation.
Blood kan.
Digital Elevation Model data DEMs are continuous raster layers in which data file values represent elevation DEMs are available from the USGS at 1:24,000 and 1:250,000 scale, can be produced with terrain analysis programs, and IMAGINE OrthoMAX.
Digital Elevation Model See Chapter.
Digital Elevation Model A GIS raster layer representing elevation This is a common GIS product created at a variety of scales.
Digital Elevation Model data A database of elevation data represented by a regularly-spaced set of x,y,z locations.
Digital Elevation Model A digital representation of a continuous variable over a two-dimensional surface by a regular array of z values referenced to a common datum Digital elevation models are typically used to represent terrain relief The format of the USGS digital elevation data sets.
German marks.
Demonstration / Graphics.
The , this , whom.
dem çekmek
- (kuşlar) uzun ve güzel ezgiler çıkarmak.
- Içki içmek, demlenmek.
To drink, to booze.
dem dökmek
- (kadınlar) Adet döneminde çok kan yitirmek.