dead and done for ne demek?
- Ölüp gitmiş, sonlanmış, ölüme mahkûm, ölmüş
- Tadı kaçmış, soğuk
- Ölü gibi
- Ölü zaman
- Ölü, ölmüş, müteveffa
- Sönük
- Cansız, hareketsiz
- Renksiz, solgun
dead account
- Hesabını kesmiş müşteri
- Alışverişini kesmiş müşteri
- Ölü sayışım
- Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
- (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
- (bağlaç) ve, de, ile
- Veri.
- Bk. veri
Performed; executed; finished.
It is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; used elliptically.
From Do, and formerly the infinitive.
Given; executed; issued; made public; used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act.
Cooked until ready to serve having finished or arrived at completion; 'certain to make history before he's done'; 'it's a done deed'; 'after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up'; 'almost through with his studies'.
Having finished or arrived at completion; 'certain to make history before he's done'; 'it's a done deed'; 'after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up'; 'almost through with his studies'.
Cooked until ready to serve.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
deaddead accountdead againstdead aheaddead alivedead and burieddead and gonedead and wont lie downdead animaldead armdeadeaccessiondeacidificationdeacidifydeaconandand a bitand a halfand a lot moreand alsoand b printingand b windingand connectiveand d speedand dağlarıanan abbreviated signaturean abbreviation of carabineran abbreviation of kilograman absolute must