dapper dan ne demek?

  1. Dapper Dan, (İngiliz Argosu) iyi giyimli erkek


  1. Düzgün giyimli
  2. Çevik, atak
  3. Şık, zarif
  4. İki dirhem bir çekirdek


  1. Yakışıklıca
  2. Hoşça
  3. Şık bir şekilde


  1. (Bak: Dünüvv)
  2. (en)Title of honor equivalent to master, or sir.
  3. (en)Small truck or sledge used in coal mines.
  4. (en)Black belt rank.
  5. (en)Grades from first degree black belt forward that denote degrees of proficiency.
  6. (en)Term used in the Japanese martial arts for anyone who has achieved the rank of at least first-degree black belt.
  7. (en)Degree, grade level designation referring to black belt rank.
  8. (en)Term used in the Japanese, Okinawan and Korean martial arts for anyone who has achieved the rank of at least first-degree black belt.
  9. (en)Grade, rank As from first black belt degree First introduced by Jigoro Kano, Founder of modern JUDO.
  10. (en)Black belt rank, from shodan through judan White belt ranks are called kyu ranks.

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