covered with woven dots ne demek?
- Kumlu
- İçinde kum bulunan.
- Çok ufak ve sık benekli.
- Arenaceous.
- Sandy.
- Speckled.
- Whose meat has a gritty texture.
- Covered with woven dots.
- Dotted.
- Kapalı, kapatılmış, örtülü, saklı, kaplı, kaplanmış
covered bazaar
- Bedesten
- İle birlikte
- Birlikte, beraber
- İle
- -den
- -e
- -e rağmen
- İle beraber
- Karşı
- Geri
- Dokunmuş, dokuma, örülmüş
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
coveredcovered bazaarcovered draincovered gasketcovered grandstandcovered marketcovered objectscovered shopping arcadecovered stadiumcovered upcovercover camcover chargecover closedcover desktopwithwith a bad reputationwith a batterywith a beardwith a beautiful voicewith a bedwith a crackling noisewith a crackling soundwith a crunchwith a crunching noisewitwitanwitchwitch doctorwitch hazel