covered with trees ne demek?

  1. Ormanlık


  1. Ormanı çok olan, ormanla kaplı veya orman gibi olan (yer).
  2. (en)Wooded.
  3. (en)Woody.
  4. (en)Thickly wooded.
  5. (en)Covered with trees.
  6. (en)Woodland.
  7. (en)Heavily forested.

covered with condensation

  1. Buğulu

covered with matting

  1. Hasırlı


  1. İle birlikte
  2. Birlikte, beraber
  3. İle
  4. -den
  5. -e
  6. -e rağmen
  7. İle beraber
  8. Karşı
  9. Geri


  1. Ağaç
  2. Ağaca çıkarmak, çıkmaza sokmak
  3. Eski darağacı, çarmıh
  4. Ağaca çıkarmak
  5. Çıkmaza sokmak
  6. Korkudan ağaca sığınmaya mecbur etmek

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

covered with condensationcovered with mattingcovered with polka dotscovered with snowcovered with soapcoveredcovered bazaarcovered draincovered gasketcovered grandstandcovered marketcovered objectscovered shopping arcadecovered stadiumcovered upcovercover camcover chargecover closedcover desktopwithwith a bad reputationwith a batterywith a beardwith a beautiful voicewith a bedwith a crackling noisewith a crackling soundwith a crunchwith a crunching noisewitwitanwitchwitch doctorwitch hazel
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