confined to bed ne demek?
- Yatalak
- Felç, sakatlık vb. bir sebeple yataktan kalkamayan (kimse)
Confined to bed.
Permanently bedridden.
Bed ridden.
Laid up.
Sick- abed.
confined to the day
- Günübirlik
confined ground water
- Tutuk yeralti suyu
- -e
- -e doğru, yönüne doğru, tarafına
- Ile
- -e kadar, -e değin, derecesine kadar
- -e dair
- -e nazaran, -e nispetle
- -e göre
- Hakkında, için
- Mak, mek (mastar edatı).
- -e dogru
- Kötü, çirkin, tuhaf.
- Fena. Kötü. Çirkin. Yaramaz. şer. şeni'.
- (C.: Ebda-Büdü') İslam içinde kazılan kuyu.
- Başlama, başlayış.
An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch.
Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed , or this with the bedclothes added.
Plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground.
Mass or heap of anything arranged like a bed; as, a bed of ashes or coals.
The bottom of a watercourse, or of any body of water; as, the bed of a river.
Layer or seam, or a horizontal stratum between layers; as, a bed of coal, iron, etc.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
confined to the dayconfined ground waterconfinedconfineconfine in a cageconfine oneself toconfine toconfidantconfidanteconfideconfide inconfide in s.o.confabconfab or conflabconfabulateconfabulationconfarreationtoto a callto a certain degreeto a conversationto a crumbto a dayto a degreeto a distanceto a faultto a great extenttt 1t 3T antijenleriT bağımlı antijen