compound by ne demek?
- Art
- Arka, geri
- Bir şeyin öbür yüzü.
- Arkada bulunan.
- Bk. arka
The termination of many English words; as, coward, reynard, drunkard, mostly from the French, in which language this ending is of German origin, being orig.
The same word as English hard.
The second person singular, indicative mode, present tense, of the substantive verb Be; but formed after the analogy of the plural are, with the ending -t, as in thou shalt, wilt, orig.
An ending of the second person sing.
The black art; magic.
compound beam
- Bileşik kiriş
compound adjective
- Birleşik sıfat
- Yakın
- Bir kenara
- Asıl gayeden uzak ifade veya fikir
- Ilâve edilen veya ikinci derecede önemli olan şey.
- Edat yanında, yakınında, nezdinde
- Yakınından, yanından
- Ile, vasıtasıyla
- (-den),tarafından
- Kadar
- Göre
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
compound beamcompound adjectivecompound anglecompound archcompound circuitcompoundcompound coilcompound connected transistorcompound curvecompound demandcompocomponentcomponent affirmationcomponent analysiscomponent bar chartbyby (main) forceby a fraction of an inchby a hairby a hairbreadthby a hairs breadthby a lengthby a majorityby a mechanismby a nosebb 52b addressb amplifierb and b