christoffel symbol ne demek?

  1. Christoffel sembolü


  1. Kristoffel

christoffel sembolü

  1. (en)Christoffel symbol

christoffel coefficient

  1. Kristoffel bileşeni


  1. Alamet, belirti
  2. Nişan
  3. Remiz, timsal
  4. Simge, sembol, işaret

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

christoffel sembolüchristoffel coefficientchristoffelchristopherchristopher columbussymbolsymbol of a unit of measurementsymbol simgesymbol snsymbol stringsymbolicsymbolic actsymbolic addresssymbolic codingsymbolic colorsymbiansymbiologysymbionsymbionicsymbiont
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