christoffel coefficient ne demek?

  1. Kristoffel bileşeni


  1. 1829-1900. Elvin Bruno Christoffel, Alman diferansiyel geometricisidir. Kovaryant diferansiyel yöntemlerini bulmuştur.
  2. (en)Christoffel.
  3. (al)Christoffel
  4. (fr)Christoffel


  1. Kristoffel

christoffel sembolü

  1. (en)Christoffel symbol


  1. Ortak etmen
  2. Beraber çalışan
  3. Katsayı
  4. Emsal

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

christoffelchristoffel sembolüchristoffel symbolchristopherchristopher columbuscoefficientcoefficient matrixcoefficient of accelerationcoefficient of associationcoefficient of concentrationcoefficient of concordancecoefficient of contingencycoefficient of correlationcoefficient of covariancecoefficient of cross elasticity
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