cebren ne demek?
- Zorla
Cebren ve hile ile aziz vatanın...
Atatürk - Zorla. Cebir ve kuvvet istimali ile. Kuvvet kullanarak.
- By force.
- By compulsorily.
- By compulsion.
- Under coercion.
- With strong hand.
- By the head and heels.
- By violent means.
- Zor kullanarak, cebren, zecren, metazori
- İstemeyerek, isteksiz olarak, zoraki
- At the point of the bayonet.
- Constrainedly.
- By force.
- Forcibly.
- Hard.
- Hardly.
- Only just.
- Perforce.
cebren alma
- Exaction
cebren almak
- Exact