canonical hours ne demek?

  1. Dini tören için belirlenmiş saatler, evlenme töreni için belirlenmiş saatler

canonical homomorphism

  1. Kanonik homomorfizma

canonical basis

  1. Kanonik taban


  1. Mesai saatleri

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

canonical homomorphismcanonical basiscanonical bookscanonical correlationcanonical ensemblecanonical formcanonicalcanonical isomorphismcanonical mappingcanonical transformationcanoniccanoncanon canon av aygıtıcanon av devicecanon bj200hourshours controlhours of attendancehours of labourhours of workhours sleephours workedhourssleephourhour anglehour by projecthour circlehour datahoudan henHoudan tavuğuhoughhouille blanchehound
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