cancellation clause ne demek?

  1. Taraflara kontratı iptal etme hakkı veren kontratta belirtilen durum/madde
  2. Fesih cümlesi
  3. İptal maddesi

cancellation charge

  1. İptal masrafı

cancellation and curtailment insurance

  1. İptal ve kısaltma sigortası


  1. Hüküm fıkra, şart
  2. Madde, (anlaşma, antlaşma, kontrat, kanunda)
  3. Cümle, cümlecik
  4. Madde, bent

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cancellation chargecancellation and curtailment insurancecancellation by judgementcancellation by officecancellation lawcancellationcancellation of a checkcancellation of the mejelleh lawcancellation order givencancellation order receivedcancellatecancellate cancellouscancellatedclauseclause by clauseclausesclausclausalclauberg testiclaudclaude bernard horner sendromuClaude Bernard sendromuclaude bernard syndromeCLAclabberclacificationclackclacker
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