cancellation and curtailment insurance ne demek?

  1. İptal ve kısaltma sigortası


  1. İptal
  2. Silme, bozma
  3. Kaldırılma, çıkarma
  4. Fesih, damga (pul), iptal damgası
  5. Geçersiz kılma

cancellation by judgement

  1. Yargıyle kütükten silme


  1. Yemin içmek, yemin etmek.
  2. (İngilizce) ve, ile, de
  3. (bağlaç) ve, de, ile


  1. Kısaltma, kesme, azaltma, indirme

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cancellationcancellation by judgementcancellation by officecancellation chargecancellation clausecancellation lawcancellation of a checkcancellation of the mejelleh lawcancellation order givencancellation order receivedcancellatecancellate cancellouscancellatedandand a bitand a halfand a lot moreand alsoand b printingand b windingand connectiveand d speedand dağlarıanan abbreviated signaturean abbreviation of carabineran abbreviation of kilograman absolute must
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