bun ne demek?
- Sıkıntı
Soluğunu kesen acı, göğsünü sıkıştıran bun sancılarına benzemiyordu.
A. İlhan - Serum veya plazma üre azotu.
- Nihayet, dip.
- BUN stands for blood urea nitrogen, a waste product normally excreted by the kidney Your BUN value represents how well your kidneys function.
- Blood Urea Nitrogen, a blood test that helps determine kidney function Urea is a waste product of protein breakdown in the body.
- Blood Urea Nitrogen, a blood test that can show how well the liver and kidneys are working.
- Segment of FPF cut off from continuously produced slabstock type of FPF.
- Segment of foam cut off from continuously produced slab stock type of foam.
- Distress.
- Depression.
- Boredom.
- Slightly sweetened raised cake or bisquit with a glazing of sugar and milk on the top crust.
- Small rounded bread either plain or sweet.
- Abbreviation for blood urea nitrogen A test often used as a measurement of kidney function.
- Stands for blood urea nitrogen, a waste product normally excreted by the kidney Your BUN value represents how well the kidneys function.
- Measure of the urea level in the blood Urea is cleared by the kidney BUN is a laboratory blood test to assess how well the kidney is functioning Diseases, such as myeloma, which compromise kidney function, frequently lead to increased levels of BUN.
- Blood test that measures kidney and liver function.
- Blood urea nitrogen.
- Çörek; top, topuz (saç), tavşan
- Çörek
- Çörek şeklinde kıvırımış saç.
- İşsizlik, tekdüzelik, bezginlik vb. sebeplerden doğan ruhsal yorgunluk, cefa, eziyet
- Bir bozukluğun, karışıklığın sebep olduğu etkili ve sürekli yorgunluk, meşakkat, mihnet
- Yokluk ve parasızlığın yol açtığı geçim darlığı
- Darlık, yokluk
- Sorun, problem, mesele
- Müzâyaka.
- Boredom.
- Heebie-jeebies.
- Bore.
- Megrims.
- Bu zamirinin yönelme durum eki almış biçimi.
- To this.
- Bir seşit sentetik lastik.
- Buna
buna benzer
- And so on.