broadband access network ne demek?
- Ban
- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde Macaristan ve Hırvatistan'da sancak beylerine ve küçük prenslere verilen unvan.
- Osmanlılar zamanında Macaristan ve Slovenya dolaylarında sancak beylerine ve küçük prenslere verilen san.
- Dam, çatı.
An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.
An official prohibition or edict against something 100 bani equal 1 leu prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; 'Smoking is banned in this building' forbid the public distribution of.
Decree that prohibits something.
100 bani equal 1 leu.
An official prohibition or edict against something.
Bachelor's degree in nursing.
Prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; 'Smoking is banned in this building'.
- Geniş frekans aralığı olan
- Geniş bant
broadband amplifier
- Geniş bantlı kuvvetlendirici
- Bkz. akse
- Giriş, yol, methal, geçit
- Artma, çoğalma
- Erişim sağlamak
- Bağlamak
Make ties or acquaintances (esp. for professional support or business advantages); link computers for the exchange of information; broadcast something simultaneously on networked stations.
- Iletişim ağı, ağ, şebeke, ağ örgüsü
- Şebeke
- Ağ örgüsü
- Yayın istasyonları şebekesi.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
broadbandbroadband amplifierbroadband antennabroadband channelbroadband communicationbroadband noise figurebroadband systembroadbroad arrowbroad axbroad axebroad base terraceaccessaccess accountaccess alanıaccess allowedaccess armaccess authorizationaccess barredaccess barriersaccess bus portaccess cardaccesibilityaccesibleaccedeaccede toaccede to the ministryaccede to the throneaccedence