ban ne demek?
- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde Macaristan ve Hırvatistan'da sancak beylerine ve küçük prenslere verilen unvan.
- Osmanlılar zamanında Macaristan ve Slovenya dolaylarında sancak beylerine ve küçük prenslere verilen san.
- Dam, çatı.
- An ancient title of the warden of the eastern marches of Hungary; now, a title of the viceroy of Croatia and Slavonia.
- An official prohibition or edict against something 100 bani equal 1 leu prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; 'Smoking is banned in this building' forbid the public distribution of.
- Decree that prohibits something.
- 100 bani equal 1 leu.
- An official prohibition or edict against something.
- Bachelor's degree in nursing.
- Prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure; 'Smoking is banned in this building'.
- Forbid the public distribution of.
- Ban from a place of residence, as for punishment.
- Expel from a community or group.
- Building area network.
- Channel operator can ban a user from their channel; You can't join a channel from which you have been banned until the ban is removed See also kick.
- To not permit; to stop; n an official restriction.
- Kind of fine muslin, made in the East Indies from the fiber of the banana leaf stalks.
- Public proclamation or edict; a public order or notice, mandatory or prohibitory; a summons by public proclamation.
- Calling together of the king's vassals for military service; also, the body of vassals thus assembled or summoned.
- In present usage, in France and Prussia, the most effective part of the population liable to military duty and not in the standing army.
- Notice of a proposed marriage, proclaimed in church.
- See Banns.
- An interdiction, prohibition, or proscription.
- Curse or anathema.
- Pecuniary mulct or penalty laid upon a delinquent for offending against a ban; as, a mulct paid to a bishop by one guilty of sacrilege or other crimes.
- To curse; to invoke evil upon.
- To forbid; to interdict.
- To curse; to swear.
- See: Bank anticipation notes.
- Notes issued by states and municipalities to obtain interim financing for projects that will eventually be funded long term through the sale of a bond issue.
- Basement Area Network.
- Body Area Network means wireless communication between varios components attached to the body, such as data spectacles, earphones, microphones and sensors for medical applications and for work and leisure.
- Billing Account Number Used by telephone companies to designate a billing account, i e , a customer or customer location that receives a bill A customer may have any number of BANs.
- Control that allows users and administrators to restrict users with a specific user name or nickname, or users from a specific domain from participating in a chat community.
- See: Bond Anticipation Note.
- Proclamation of outlawry; a denunciation by the church.
- British Approved Name.
- Broadband Access Network.
- Removal of a user from the channel for infringement of channel rules With a ban a user can not return under most circumstances until a channel operator removes the ban For more information, please visit our Channel Guidelines page.
- Bond Anticipation Notes.
- To disallow a chatter from entering a chat room Bans may be temporary, or permanent.
- Short-term debt instrument that is issued by a municipality or a state At maturity, the debt is paid from the proceeds of a new bond issue.
- Hırvat ve Slovanya valisi.
- Yasaklamak, menetmek, boykot etmek, afaroz etmek
- Beyanname, tebliğ, bildiri
- Ortaçağda seferberlik ilanı
- Yasaklamak, menetmek
- (eski) lânetlemek, aforoz etmek
- Yasak, aforoz.
ban ağacı
- Sepetçi söğüdü.
- Çevresinde olup bitenleri iyi algılayamama, değerlendirememe, sabit fikirlilik.
- Asya'nın tropik bölgelerinde ve Afrika'nın kuzeyinde yetişen, yaprakları telek damarlı, çiçekleri salkım durumunda, meyvesinden kokusuz bir yağ elde edilen ağaç (Moringa oleifera).
ban otu
- Asya, Kuzey Afrika ve Avrupa'nın sıcak bölgelerinde yetişen zehirli ve otsu bir bitki (Hyoscyamus).
- Patlıcangiller (Solanaceae) familyasından, iki yıllık, otsu, 20-100 cm kadar boyunda zehirli bir bitki. Batbat otu, çömlek otu, gâvur haşhaşı.
- Yapısında belladon alkoloitlerini içeren Solanasea familyasından bir bitki
- Henbane.
- Henbane, henbell.
- Jusquiame, poclée, potelée
- Hyosiyamus niger
- Hyoscyamus niger