brimming with ne demek?

  1. Le dolu


  1. Türk alfabesinin on beşinci harfinin adı, okunuşu.
  2. (en)Chronic inflammatory collagen disease affecting connective tissue.
  3. (en)LAN Emulation.
  4. (en)LAN Emulation Refer to LANE.
  5. (en)Local Exchange.
  6. (en)Marconi program that implements both the LAN Emulation Server and the Broadcast/Unknown Server.
  7. (en)Listed Endangered LT - Listed Threatened PE - Proposed Endangered PT - Proposed Threatened.
  8. (en)Leading Edge.
  9. (en)Lupus erthyematosus.
  10. (en)A/N, oblique case: reflexive pronoun ; anaphoric pronoun.


  1. Ağzına kadar dolu olmak


  1. Kenarlı, siperlikli


  1. İle birlikte
  2. Birlikte, beraber
  3. İle
  4. -den
  5. -e
  6. -e rağmen
  7. İle beraber
  8. Karşı
  9. Geri

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

brimmingbrimmedbrimbrim fullbrim overbrimfulbrimful ofwithwith a bad reputationwith a batterywith a beardwith a beautiful voicewith a bedwith a crackling noisewith a crackling soundwith a crunchwith a crunching noisewitwitanwitchwitch doctorwitch hazel
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