boring person ne demek?
- Sıkıcı tip
- İç sıkan, can sıkan, tedirgin eden
- Boring.
- Tiresome.
- Dull.
- Unexeciting.
- Soul-destroying.
- Unpleasant.
- Oppressive.
- Arid.
- Unreadable.
boring profile
- Sondaj kesiti
boring chatter
- Zevzeklik
- Kişi, fert
- Tip, zat
- Birey
- Beden, vücut
- Şahıs
- Şahsiyet
- Adam
- Kimse
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
boring profileboring chatterboring dustboring equipmentboring headboring machineboringboring millboring rigboring ropeborinaborina halatıborina patasiborinataboricboric acidboric acid solutionboric acid systemboridepersonperson addicted to wineperson cashingperson entitledperson from the provincesperson having outstanding debtperson in chargeperson marketingperson missused by othersperson of notepers valisipers.persaltpersantilperse