bilgili ne demek?
- Bilgi sahibi olan, malumatlı, haberli
Ama, iyiler, bilgililer, yetenekliler nerede idi?
T. Buğra - Bilerek
Her konuda rahat, bilgili konuşurdu kalemi.
Y. Z. Ortaç - Knowing.
- Learned.
- Wise.
- Sophisticated.
- Scholarly.
- Deeply read.
- Knowledgeable.
- Well informed.
- Erudite.
- Informed.
- Read.
- Thoroughbred.
- Versed.
- Literate.
- Profound.
- Well-informed.
- To be informed.
- Brainy.
- In the known.
- Intellectual.
- In the know.
- Red hot.
bilgili kimse
- Wise person, man of learning, sophisticate.
bilgili olmak
- Be knowledgeable about.